Monday, June 14, 2010

Anchorage to Fairbanks June 13, 2010

OK, so I know you want pictures and I am still working on that. I am having a few challenges posting more than one photo per blog entry and still being able to make a comment. But I will over come. Bear with me. In the meantime let me bring you up to date.

We awoke to a very dreary but dry Sunday morning. Our flight from Anchorage to Fairbanks was at 10:15A. We arrived about 9:20 and we were both in awe of the efficiency and beauty of the Anchorage Airport. We boarded our Alaska Air flight promptly at 9:35 and took off on time. Doug had the fore thought to reserve seats on the left side of the plan in anticipation that Denali would be on our left. Given the weather that we were leaving in Anchorage we were not sure that we would be able to see "the big one". Our crurising altitude was 35,ooo' and Denali tops off at 20,000' so we were optimistic. We ascended out of Anchorage and fortunately the clouds were low. It didn't take very long so start to see the snow dome emerge. We got to see the entire range and it was spectacular...take my word for it (the photos will be forthcoming).

The flight was just about an hour long. We landed in Fairbanks where is was cold, rainy and very grey. We were met by the Princess representative and our bags were efficently transferred onto the awaiting motorcoach. It was about a 5 minute ride from the airport to the Princess Fairbanks Lodge which located on the banks of the Chena River. There was a minor mixup with our cruise paperwork which we were to pick up at the airport. They couldn't find it but said it wasn't a problem we could get it at the hotel. Mysteriously it wasn't at the hotel but found at the airport. We parked out baggage in the lobby and it disappeared. The astute bell boy looked at the names on the bags and simply had transferred them to our room. Such service!

Given that it was a crummy day we opted for lunch at the hotel. We had a tremendous bowl of smoked salmon and crab chowder. For dessert Doug had a cup of reindeer sausage chili. The weather seemed to be breaking so we took the shuttle into downtown Fairbanks. Our shuttle driver said that we would see all there was to see in an hour and he was right. We can check it off our to do list.

For dinner we ambled up the road to Pike's Place and had a light dinner consisting of cold dungenous crab and clams in white wine. We met up with a couple of women from Boston who were very entertaining. Retired about 10:30 and it was sunny.

Doug and I each awoke independently throughout the night and checked on the available sunlight. You really can sit outside at 1A and read a book. Truly amazing.

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