Friday, June 18, 2010

Photos Fairbanks Riverboat Cruise

Now this is a very rare picture of Doug and I actually together. This was taken before embarking on the riverboat Discovery III.

Susan Butcher was the first female to win the Ididarod. She did so 4 times. Susan died of leukemia a few years ago. Her family continues to train dogs for sled racing at her Ididarod Kennel. The animals run at speeds in excess of 30 mph. Here they are getting ready for a training run using an ATV in place of the sled.

Planes are an essentail form of transportation throughout Alaska. 1 in 60 adults have their pilots licenses. All public roads and highways are designated emergency landing areas. All vehicles must cede the right of way to aircraft. Here a seaplane takes off. To the left is a 900' landing strip where planes will land and motor right up to the back to their houses.

This is a model Athabaska salmon fishing camp. There is a rack for drying, a smoke house and a cache on stilts for keeping their food safe. Note the fish wheel in the fore ground. This is utilized to scoop the fish right out of the river. Very clever and efficient.
This young woman is an Athabaskan Indian. She is modeling a fur coat made out of the various indigenous animals her family hunts. Each coat is embellished with delicate beadwork that indicates the village in which the garment is made. This young woman is currently studying health sciences. The money she makes helps finance her education and enables her family to make it through the winter in their remote village.

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