Sunday, June 27, 2010

Photos of Ketchikan

View of a typical street in downtown Ketchikan.

This is Creek Street. When the salmon are running in July and August they are so thick that the creek actually percolates. The air is also thick with predatory birds.

I don't know if you can see the bald eagle perched on the branch but I assure you she is there. You can also see her nest which is 5' wide and 8' deep.

Ketchikan is famous for their totem poles. My friend, Deb, is standing at the base to give you a sense of the size. They are magnificent structures.

This is an authentic Tligit lodge house constructed of red cedar. When we were there they was a private performance going on. We were able to sit outside and listen to the rhythmic drumming and sweet singing. The ground literally pulsated with energy.

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