Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photos of Glacier Bay

Here is one of the many views of the mountains that surround you as you cruise up Glacier Bay. Each one is even more spectacular then the next.

This is Magerie Glacier. You can see the glacier river that originates high in the mountains. The glacier moves forward 7 inches per day! We saw four sections of the glacier calve, or break off, into the bay. There was one that was spectacular break that sent a large plume of water high into the air and waves into the bay. In case you were wondering they do make a very loud cracking noise before breaking...you just can't figure out where exactly the break is going to happen.

Another rare photo of us! This was taken on the upper deck of the ship at the top of the bay. The Magerite Glacier would be to the left and the Grand Pacific Glacier to the right.

Before dinner we went out on deck to do some whale watching. Here three are spouting and if the photo was large enough you would be able to see the tail of the one on the left. There were about 4 pods of whales feeding last evening. What a grand sight.

It seems only fitting that on the longest day of the year afforded us with our first sunset. This is a very special place and my hope for each of you is that one day, you too, will be able to experience it.

I will close with a quote from the park ranger, Mary Lou: "When we come to understand the peace of nature we will be able to understand the nature of peace."


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