Friday, June 18, 2010

Photos Train from Fairbanks to Denali

This is a two story domed train car. We had assigned seating. Our table partners were a woman from Philadelphia and her teenage granddaughter from Indiana. Across the aisle was the rest of the family (mother, father and brother). They were a lot of fun to travel with. The rail car itself is manufactured in Colorado. The ride was smooth and quiet. The domed ceiling afforded beautiful views from almost any angle. The entire trip took 4 hours.

This is the dining car which was located beneath the domed compartment. We had a delicious breakfast. Of course I had to have the pancakes with blueberries and a side of reindeer sausage. Doug has the smoked salmon and egg roll. You'll note the white table linens and fresh flowers. What a way to travel.

This was our second glimpse of Denali. Technically it was the third if you count our flight from Anchorage to Fairbanks where we saw the entire Alaskan Mountain Range from the air...WOW!

Here we are winding towards Denali following the Tenana River. Since this river flows from the glacier the water is very gray as it is filled with glacier silt.

Once again the Tenana River. What you can not appreciate are the rapids. Upon arrival some of the people on the train were scheduled to go white water rafting. The temperature in the river was 38 degrees. They were equipped with wet suits and all the related gear. I heard a woman in her 80's saying that the trip was great although your feet and hands eventually got very cold. The river guides were expert and kept the people relatively dry.

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