Friday, June 18, 2010

Photos Wilderness Tour

Here is a photo of the grizzly bear that we encountered shortly before exiting the park. You will notice that his fur is quite light...almost goldern while his legs are a darker brown. This is normal for bears in the interior. As you travel futher south and down the Kenai Penninsula they become the traditional brown bear that we are all familiar with.

This Polychrom Pass which becomes almost irridescent from the minerals contained in the soil.

If you look closely you can see a herd of 8 Dal sheep. They typically graze on the lichen found in the higher elevations. I forgot to import the picture of the wolf but trust that you know that we saw it and would not lead you astray. The same is true for the moose and caribou.

These are the Cathedral Mountains. Note the large dry glacier river eminating from the mountains.

Looking south from Primorse Pass through the Alaskan Mountain range.

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