Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kalispell June 30, 2010

Here is the golf foursome. From left to right is Greg Downs (Doug's son-in-law), Tim Soule (Doug's son), Doug and John Olson.

They had this t-shirt made up for Doug. On the back in the scorecard.

This is the view of Glacier National Park from Tim & Denise's property. You are looking east down Smith Valley towards the Flathead Valley. Glacier is about 40 miles from their home. Taking the Road to the Sun is something that shold be on everyone's bucket. Doug and I did it by motorcycle a few years ago and it was awesome.

Our granddaughter, Liann, became quite infatuated with Alisha's boyfriend, Joe. She's a charmer.

Tim's neighbor breeds Arabians and is currently leasing some of Tim's land for grazing.. Here four of the mares and their offspring (born this past spring) are galloping back towards the barn. There were only four and you could feel the earth pulsate. They are very beautiful animals.

We were here to see family and to celebrate Alisha's high school graduation. Toddie, Greg, Will and Liann drove in from Seattle. We got to meet Denise's brother and sister-in-law (Todd and Patty) who came in from out of town as well. Somehow I never got a picture of Alisha! I am sure that there will be other photo opportunities before we leave by train Thursday night.

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