Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photos of Gulf of Alaska

This is the elegant Takleetna train station. It is a simple siding outside of town. Because there is only one set of tracks the town didn't want the railway servicing the cruise ship industry clogging things up. So they constructed this railroad siding. It comes complete with simple logs to sit on and port-a-pots to serve one's basic needs.

This is the beautiful Turnagain Arm that runs along the southern coast of Alaska from Anchorage. As you travel further east you are surrounded by the Talkeetna Mountains to the north and the Kenai Mountains of the Kenai Peninsula on the south.

As you travel east you come to the town of Portage. This industrious Alaskan is selling Jerky, probably reindeer, along the side to the road. There is a single lane tunnel running along the arm from Portage into Whittier. It alternates cars heading east, then cars heading west, followed by the train heading east and finally the train heading west.

This is the Hubbard Glacier, the first glacier that we encountered.

Once we boarded the Coral Princess in Whittier we set out to sea and were treated to this beautiful view of the Fairweather Mountains running east/west along the gulf. Looking at all the snow I wonder who named them "Fairweather?" Even scarier I wonder what the "Badweather" mountains look like?

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